Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
855 lines
; Title: vga.asm
; Date: 6/18/92
; Author: Randy Buckland (randy@ncsu.edu)
; Description:
; This is a VERY basic set of routines to provide high speed SVGA
; graphics for IBM-PC compatibiles that have a VGA interface that supports
; a VESA driver. These routines assume a 256-color mode and will not work
; for any type of mode. The following routines are provided:
; vgainit(int vesa_mode)
; vgapoint(int row, int column, int pixel_value)
; vgahline(int row, int start_column, int end_column, int pixel_value)
; vgaline(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int pixel_value)
; vgasetcolor(char *colors, int start, int count)
; vgafill(int row, int column, int width, int height, int pixel_value)
; vgarect(char *source, int source_width, int row, int column,
; int width, int height)
; Copyright (c) 1992 by Randy Buckland
; Permission is given to use this code in any manner desired with the
; following provisions:
; 1. The user of the code is totally responsible for any damages
; that may be caused by it's use.
; 2. The author has no control or responsibility for any damages
; that may be caused by it's use.
; 3. This copyright notice must remain a part of this source file.
.model large,c
include macros.asm
; Global data for the VGA support routines
vgadata segment word public 'VGADATA'
Block dw 1 ; Current video memory block accessable
BlockSz dw 0 ; Size of a video block in K
BlockShift dw 0 ; Amount to shift bits by
BlockEnd dw 0 ; Last valid address in block
BlockMask dw 0 ; Mask used for block/offset operations
WinAddr dw 0 ; Segment addr of window A block
;WinFunc dd 0 ; Far pointer to windowing function
ScanWidth dw 0 ; Width of a scan line
vgadata ends
vgacode segment word public 'VGACODE'
assume cs:vgacode,ds:vgadata
; Set current video memory block. This procedure assumes that ds already
; points to the vgadata segment. This routine will not modify any registers.
; Parameters:
; - block number to change to
vgablock proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
push dx
mov dx,[bp+4] ; Start of video memory
cmp dx,Block
je l1
mov Block,dx
push ax
push bx
mov ax,4f05h ; VESA set memory block
mov bx,0000h ; Set window A
int 10h
pop bx
pop ax
pop dx
mov sp,bp
pop bp
vgablock endp
; Calculate block and offset values for a given row/column. Assumes that ds
; points to vgadata. Does NOT preserve registers. Returns block value in
; dx and offset in ax.
; Parameters:
; - row value
; - column value
vgaoffset proc near
push bp
mov bp,sp
mov ax,[bp+4] ; Get row
mul ScanWidth ; Get starting block and offset in dx:ax
add ax,[bp+6] ; Add start column offset
jnc l1
inc dx ; Just crossed block boundery
mov cx,BlockShift ; Get block size mask
cmp cx,0 ; Is block size 64K?
je l2 ; Yes, skip this section
mov bx,ax ; Save old ax
rol ax,cl
and ax,BlockMask ; Save high bits
rol dx,cl
add dx,ax ; Add high bits to block value.
mov ax,bx
rol ax,cl
or ax,BlockMask ; Set undesirable bits
xor ax,BlockMask ; Clear bad bits
ror ax,cl
; Set active block to calculated block if needed
cmp dx,Block
je l3
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
mov sp,bp
pop bp
vgaoffset endp
; Initialize the display
; Parameters:
; Mode value to use
public vgainit
vgainit proc far
; Set up call frame
sub sp,256 ; Make local variable space
mov ax,vgadata ; Load address of data segment
mov ds,ax ; Set DS register
; Get VGA information and set desired mode
mov ax,4f02h ; VESA set mode function
mov bx,[bp+6] ; 640x480 mode
int 10h
push ss
pop es ; Load es with value of ss
mov di,sp ; Point index at 256 byte temp space
mov cx,[bp+6]
mov ax,4f01h ; VESA get Super VGA mode information
int 10h
mov ax,es:[di+6]
mov BlockSz,ax
mov ax,es:[di+8]
mov WinAddr,ax
; mov ax,es:[di+12]
; mov word ptr WinFunc,ax
; mov ax,es:[di+14]
; mov word ptr WinFunc+2,ax
mov ax,es:[di+16]
mov ScanWidth,ax
; Calculate block shift and end values
mov ax,BlockSz
mov bx,10
mov cx,03ffh
sar ax,1
inc bx
sal cx,1
inc cx
cmp ax,1
ja l1
mov ax,16
sub ax,bx
mov BlockShift, ax
mov BlockEnd, cx
not cx
xchg ax,cx
rol ax,cl
mov BlockMask,ax
; Set to start block
xor ax,ax
push ax
call vgablock
pop ax
; Remove call frame and exit
add sp,256
vgainit endp
; Draw a single point
; Parameters:
; - Row of point
; - Column of point
; - Pixel value to use
vgapoint proc far
mov ax,vgadata ; Load address of data segment
mov ds,ax ; Set DS register
; Load window pointers
mov ax,WinAddr
mov es,ax ; Set ES to point to video memory
push [bp+8] ; Column
push [bp+6] ; Row
call vgaoffset
add sp,4
; Draw point
mov di,ax ; Put offset in index regester
mov ax,[bp+10] ; bl has pixel value
vgapoint endp
; Draw a horizontal line. Line is assumed to start on even boundry and
; have length be an even value for speed.
; Parameters:
; - Row for line
; - Start column
; - End column
; - Pixel value
vgahline proc far
mov ax,vgadata ; Load address of data segment
mov ds,ax ; Set DS register
; Load window pointers
mov ax,WinAddr
mov es,ax ; Set ES to point to video memory
push [bp+8]
push [bp+6]
call vgaoffset
add sp,4
; Setup control parameters for line draw.
mov di, ax ; Offset in di
mov ax,[bp+12]
mov ah,al ; ax has duplicated pixel value in bl and bh
mov cx,BlockEnd ; Last point in counter
sub cx,di ; cx has number of legal bytes-1
mov bx,[bp+10]
sub bx,[bp+8] ; bx has number to write - 1
cmp bx,cx
ja l1
mov cx,bx ; Won't need a block change
sub bx,cx ; ax has number of words after block change
inc cx
ror cx,1
ror bx,1
; Draw the line
rep stosw
cmp bx,0
je l5
; Handle block change and continue
inc dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
mov cx,bx
xor bx,bx
xor di,di
jmp l4
; Finish up
vgahline endp
; Draw a line using bresenham's algorithm.
; Parameters:
; - x1
; - y1
; - x2
; - y2
; - Pixel value
; Locals:
; [bp-10] DX
; [bp-12] DY
; [bp-14] incr1
; [bp-16] incr2
vgaline proc far
sub sp,8
mov ax,vgadata ; Load address of data segment
mov ds,ax ; Set DS register
; Load window pointers
mov ax,WinAddr
mov es,ax ; Set ES to point to video memory
push [bp+8]
push [bp+6]
call vgaoffset
add sp,4
mov di,ax
; Initialize for line draw
mov ax,[bp+6] ; Get x1
sub ax,[bp+10] ; Sub x2
jg l1 ; Skip if positive
neg ax
l1: mov [bp-10],ax ; Save DX
mov ax,[bp+8] ; Get y1
sub ax,[bp+12] ; sub y2
jg l2 ; Skip if positive
neg ax
l2: mov [bp-12],ax ; Save DY
cmp ax,[bp-10] ; See if DY>DX
jle xline ; Go do X oriented version
jmp yline ; Go do Y oriented version
; X oriented version of draw line. Slope must be between -1 and 1 inclusive
mov cx, [bp-10] ; cx has increment control
sal ax,1 ; DY*2
mov [bp-14],ax ; Save incr1
sub ax,[bp-10] ; 2*dy - dx
mov bx,ax ; bx has D value
mov ax,[bp-12] ; Get DY
sub ax,[bp-10] ; (DY-DX)
sal ax,1 ; 2*(DY-DX)
mov [bp-16],ax ; Save incr2
mov word ptr [bp-10],0 ; Assume going to left
mov ax,[bp+6] ; Get x1
sub ax,[bp+10] ; x1-x2
jg l3
mov word ptr [bp-10],1 ; Going to right
mov word ptr [bp-12],0 ; Assume going up
mov ax,[bp+8] ; Get y1
sub ax,[bp+12] ; y1-y2
jg l5
mov word ptr [bp-12],1 ; Going down
; Main X oriented drawing loop.
; ax = pixel value
; bx = d
; cx = loop control
; dx = block number
; di = block offset
mov ax,[bp+14]
mov es:[di],al ; Write first pixel
cmp cx,0 ; Check if done
je xloopend
cmp word ptr [bp-10],0 ; See if going left?
je l7
inc di ; going right
jnc l8
inc dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
jmp l8
dec di ; going left
jnc l8
dec dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
cmp bx,0 ; test d<0
jge l9
add bx,[bp-14] ; d = d + incr1
jmp l11
add bx,[bp-16] ; d = d + incr2
cmp word ptr [bp-12],0 ; See if going up
je l10
add di,ScanWidth ; Go to next line
jnc l11
inc dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
jmp l11
sub di,ScanWidth ; Go to previous line
jnc l11
dec dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
mov es:[di],al ; Write next pixel
loop xloop
jmp done
; Y oriented version of draw line. Slope must be outside -1 and 1 inclusive
mov cx, [bp-12] ; cx has increment control
mov ax, [bp-10]
sal ax,1 ; DX*2
mov [bp-14],ax ; Save incr1
sub ax,[bp-12] ; 2*dx - dy
mov bx,ax ; bx has D value
mov ax,[bp-10] ; Get DX
sub ax,[bp-12] ; (DX-DY)
sal ax,1 ; 2*(DX-DY)
mov [bp-16],ax ; Save incr2
mov word ptr [bp-10],0 ; Assume going to left
mov ax,[bp+6] ; Get x1
sub ax,[bp+10] ; x1-x2
jg l12
mov word ptr [bp-10],1 ; Going to right
mov word ptr [bp-12],0 ; Assume going up
mov ax,[bp+8] ; Get y1
sub ax,[bp+12] ; y1-y2
jg l13
mov word ptr [bp-12],1 ; Going down
; Main Y oriented drawing loop.
; ax = pixel value
; bx = d
; cx = loop control
; dx = block number
; di = block offset
mov ax,[bp+14]
mov es:[di],al ; Write first pixel
cmp cx,0 ; Check if done
je yloopend
cmp word ptr [bp-12],0 ; See if going up?
je l14
add di,ScanWidth ; going down
jnc l15
inc dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
jmp l15
sub di,ScanWidth ; going up
jnc l15
dec dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
cmp bx,0 ; test d<0
jge l16
add bx,[bp-14] ; d = d + incr1
jmp l18
add bx,[bp-16] ; d = d + incr2
cmp word ptr [bp-10],0 ; See if going left
je l17
inc di ; Go right
jnc l18
inc dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
jmp l18
dec di ; Go left
jnc l18
dec dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
mov es:[di],al ; Write next pixel
loop yloop
; Clear stack and exit
add sp,8
vgaline endp
; Set colors from an array of rgb values.
; Parameters:
; - Array of colors
; - Start index
; - Number of colors
vgasetcolor proc far
les dx,[bp+6] ; Get address of colormap
mov bx,[bp+10] ; Get first color index
mov cx,[bp+12] ; Get Number of indexes
mov ax,1012h ; Set block of color registers function
int 10h
vgasetcolor endp
; Fill a rectangular region with a given pixel value. Region is assumed to
; start on a even address and be an even width. Width and height values
; must be positive. Width and height values get modified.
; Parameters:
; - Row for upper left corner
; - Column for upper left corner
; - Width of rectangle
; - Height of rectangle
; - Pixel value
; Locals
; [bp-10] LineSkip
vgafill proc far
sub sp,2
mov ax,vgadata ; Load address of data segment
mov ds,ax ; Set DS register
; Load window pointers
mov ax,WinAddr
mov es,ax ; Set ES to point to video memory
push [bp+8]
push [bp+6]
call vgaoffset
add sp,4
; Setup control parameters for line draw.
mov bx,ScanWidth
sub bx,[bp+10]
mov [bp-10], bx ; Amount to skip to get to next line
mov di, ax ; Offset in di
mov ax,[bp+14]
mov ah,al ; ax has duplicated pixel value in al and ah
mov cx,BlockEnd ; Last point in counter
sub cx,di ; cx has number of bytes till block change
mov bx,[bp+10] ; bx has number of bytes in line
dec bx
cmp bx,cx
ja l1
mov cx,bx ; Won't need a block change
sub bx,cx ; ax has number of words after block change
inc cx
ror cx,1
ror bx,1
; Draw the line
rep stosw
cmp di,0 ; Check for exact alignment
je l5
cmp bx,0
je l6
; Handle block change and continue
inc dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
cmp bx,0
je l6
mov cx,bx
xor bx,bx
xor di,di
jmp l4
; Set up for next line
dec word ptr [bp+12]
je l7
add di,[bp-10] ; Go to start of next line
jnc linestart
inc dx ; Bump block pointer
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
jmp linestart
; Finish up
add sp,2
vgafill endp
; Copy a given rectangle into display memory at the specified address.
; All pixels from the source rectangle are copied with no masking.
; Coordinates are assumed to be correct and wraparound accounted for by
; the calling routine. The start address and rectangle width are assumed
; to be even values to permit faster copy. The passed values may be modified
; and should not be retained by the calling routine.
; Parameters:
; - Far pointer to source rectangle
; - Total width of source memory
; - Row for upper left corner
; - Column for upper left corner
; - Width of rectangle
; - Height of rectangle
; Locals
; [bp-10] LineSkip
vgarect proc far
sub sp,2
mov ax,vgadata ; Load address of data segment
mov ds,ax ; Set DS register
; Load window pointers
mov ax,WinAddr
mov es,ax ; Set ES to point to video memory
push [bp+14]
push [bp+12]
call vgaoffset
add sp,4
; Setup control parameters for line draw.
mov di, ax ; Offset for output memory in di
mov bx,ScanWidth
sub bx,[bp+16]
mov [bp-10], bx ; Amount to skip to get to next line on output
mov bx,[bp+10]
sub bx,[bp+16]
mov [bp+10], bx ; Amount to go to next line on input data
mov si, [bp+6] ; Offset for input memory
mov cx,BlockEnd ; Last point in counter
sub cx,di ; cx has number of bytes till block change
mov bx,[bp+16] ; bx has number of bytes in line
dec bx
cmp bx,cx
ja l1
mov cx,bx ; Won't need a block change
sub bx,cx ; bx has number of words after block change
inc cx
ror cx,1
ror bx,1
; Draw the line
push ds ; Save segment for vgadata
mov ax, [bp+8]
mov ds,ax ; Set segment for source rectangle
rep movsw
pop ds ; Get segment for vgadata
cmp di,0 ; Check for exact alignment
je l5
cmp bx,0
je l6
; Handle block change and continue
inc dx
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
cmp bx,0
je l6
mov cx,bx
xor bx,bx
xor di,di
jmp l4
; Set up for next line
dec word ptr [bp+18]
je l7
add si,[bp+10] ; Goto next line in input
add di,[bp-10] ; Go to start of next line on output
jnc linestart
inc dx ; Bump block pointer
push dx
call vgablock
pop dx
jmp linestart
; Finish up
add sp,2
vgarect endp
vgacode ends